Bring your Awareness to your heart. It is the entrance into the Deep. For me this is like a jug that pours out what IT is and all this takes place. It is the entrance into the Deep and the discovery what the Deep is. It is the entrance into your profound Being-ness. It is here, right here and even deeper than the heart.
When Awareness fully functions from the Knowing of the heart, from what Awareness is knowing at the level of the heart, then the named Knower disappears and revelation, deeper awakening or even enlightenment takes place.
“When I speak and when I see Thee and speak to Thee I am not speaking to you as a self-centre. I come to you as Awareness-Being. I don't see you sitting there in Form. My name is Be Prior- I am prior to form. I am where form springs from and am even prior to Being. When I speak like this I am not speaking about someone on the chair; that is a manifestation of what THIS is. So those that come… I just point them in the same direction as the realisation here.No one actually gets enlightened, but there is a return of Awareness moving into Knowing, which is light of the Self. Enlightenment then is Awareness no longer getting confused with the sense of self as a me. “
Everyone's life really is a translation of their Knowing, the Knowing of a Greater Reality, the Knowing of Source, truly as who or what they really are. It is the awakening to that knowing, that light of Knowing that draws’ you to satang. For me satsang is not just here when you are buying your vegetables, when you are on the bus, when you are walking on the street. I don't see anything but God. This is a total movement of God. When Awareness returns to that Knowing, all the functions of this vehicle of conscious Awareness return direct and immediately to the movement of Knowing.
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Deeply Believe in Who and What You Are India DEC 151213 Full Session Package available here: