The ‘present moment’ is actually a New Age invention. If you don't invent a present moment, then there is only Presence. Presence is the Love everyone seeks either in the past or the future. But it is only Now and Now doesn't need a past and future because it is already full of Love, full of Presence.
When you get to see this, that there is only this Now, then clearly if there is Now only and not the present moment, you won’t find a past to reference this Presence to and you won’t find a future to head towards, to become present in, for you are already IT! Only from this Presence is life fully lived, then Presence streams the Now and that is Love or fullness, where everything is actually shining and working and there is no need to reference past or future as an identification of someone. Then the body mind is a streaming of Now and in the streaming of Now there is only a full living life and actually no such thing as death. There is no future to head towards and no past to look back on. Now you are really realising Now is Eternity. And it is not 'someone being in the Now. There is only this Now shining as all of us. READ FULL ARTICLE HERE: 19 April 2019 - Ohinetahi Community , New Zealand