A 15 minute excerpt from the opening session of the 'It's All About man and Woman" retreat that is taking place right now in Bristol.
"We tend to function as a woman-self, as a man-self, but to me woman- self and man-self are simply the vehicles for an amazing , incredible Mystery. The light that calls you to go toward man or toward woman is so much more than your self. So much more ! "
Attraction has a backdoor - there is a parachute on the backdoor. The Calling doesn't have any door. No doors to get out of . You don't need them. You are learning to walk through walls of misunderstanding. You are learning to fly through ceilings of a Higher Calling you are learning to allow the floor to drop away from below your feet and be absolutely present in the wall-less, ceiling-less, floor-less room of Love "
Full session recordings and the retreat package will be available for purchase on www.bprior.org