The Human Possibility
Is your humanness a possibility but you are believing it’s you? Because you believe the body is you, the mind is then the possibility doesn’t live.
So unless you live your infinite nature, in other words, that you are so much more than a body or you are so much more than time and space, then you Awareness are aware and the life of the body, then the body begins to demonstrate its a living possibility of what you infinitely are.
Flow begins because you are not mistaking the body to be you. Let me just kind of point to what happens when you mistake the body is you: you do suffer, you do have, as it were personal pain. But mostly you are dull or dead.
When you Awareness do see that the body is not you, but is the possibility of you, in other words you being the living essence that has this form, this body, your infinity flows. The Celestial meets the possibility and it moves. And the possibility begins to demonstrate the infinity that one is, the beauty, the wonder, the mystery, the power, the joy, the incredible sensitivity, the warmth, the love, because its a possibility, its not what you are. But if you mistake the body for you, you'll get dull, you'll get fearful and then you'll mistake energies that move you to be a problem rather than energies are the light of your infinity moving.
But if you've identified with the body those energies become dull and then what happens is we don't live this incredible possibility of having human form. It doesn't become celestial, it doesn't move as light, it doesn't move potentiality. Each and every one of us is the Beyond and having a form is incredible potentiality here. So Im asking you, are you realising that the body is the instrument of you, not you? And that energy moves according to your commitment of living and discovering what you are, like the salmon flowing back up the stream rather than just going downstream. So, you are flowing into what you've come out of, discovering what you are, with no beginning or end and that lands in this vehicle of potential. You begin to live a life that’s impactful, an impactful life that moves the celestial and transforms the terrestrial. And thats the inner marriage that manifests appearing as a human life. But when we do not live this, that we live small or we live as a separate sense, then we blame others for our fears that arise. We blame our father or our mother because he was so terrible to us. We blame our relationships more than likely past relationships because that person stopped me doing what I wanted to do. Thats actually just excuses, its just an excuse. We can develop ideas around 'thats not an excuse', but the deeper you go you won't develop those kind of excuses because you are entering the power and wonder of what you deeply are.
Only the human needs an excuse, but you are infinite and when you embrace your humanness, embrace it, there is compassion which is essential and this vehicle comes alive and is responsive to what you directly are and it becomes an instrument and then the minds gets sharpened, or polished, or opened. The body becomes alive instead of dull because you are not holding on to history, you're not holding on to little mind excuses. You are truly a transformative beingness that's committed to the transformation of this moment because you know that you are infinite and this is a glorious infinite possibility called humanness.
D8S4 Love's Great Reset Retreat 2021