In this excerpt B responds to a question about the extremes appearing in humanity right now.
Go to the extremes. What happens in extremes? Have a look... if there were extreme weather conditions - right now - extreme ..what would you do? You would wake up - would anything be normal for you ? No. What you be taking care of ? You would be taking care of The moment - fully. This moment of Life . Suddenly you would cherish life with all that you are with every breath in the moment. Suddenly you woke up to what you are and what you are is extremely One with the universe. You need extremes to be woken up.
Look at extreme weather conditions - what weather does, what the seasons do is keep the surface moving . Weather doesn't allow the surface to stay in one season. Weather brings all seasons to the surface so the surface can know real movement of full life .
Life lived at the extreme at its peak awakened-ness. Weather clears the surface , blows it free , nourishes it and starts all over again. This is what Extremes do - in extremes you don't know what's going to happen and yet you come fully alive in Life.
If you just treat the surface from the surface then What You Are will go to sleep and just become a surface instrument. You become self concerned , self satisfied , self important. It will all be about your comfort zone and the smallest bit of weather will have you upset. Therefore your surface won't get cleaned , wont get broken , nourished reseeded , replanted and won't regrow the next level of you. It is too shallow to take the seed of gold that you are."
Cease taking care of your self . Take care of THE MOMENT with your heart and everything will come alive. You will come alive! You will create the very extreme conditions of presence that Goodness can plant all that is Real in. Your mind will be blown away like a thousand doves. Because all that you are know in this extremity of fully living is incredible peace and passion. Instead of taking care of all the things that have no meaning and value . None at all. Taking care of the future - using self. It is just taking care of your self , which actually cannot be taken care of because it is an illusion . It is all a mental overlay over the precious Oneness life moving in a torrent of passion missed by 99.9 human beings.
There is no peace when you are hardly living. There is no peace when you are only taking care of your self, your wants and needs. No peace - in fact there is war and division and starvation and limitation. It is only when you are living at your optimum that everything is alive and real and nothing can be destroyed. That's when you're at peace . A peace that knows no end. Nothing can touch it and there is no need to protect is . It is really What You Are.
NZ community 162207 Full Session Recordings available here : Next upcoming retreat with B: October 2-14 in Crete/Greece