It is clear that the energetics of nature on the planet are designed to keep the bodies being made . There is a mechanism within the psyche of earth that moves all creatures to procreate, but nature conspires not to pro-create but to create true forms of true 'Being-I-Aware' , all in the profound blueprint of the universal design for any star system and planetary consciousness, the earth included.
So then when one raises up the sexuality from just the need of sex, you begin to see that the energetics of the whole planetary structure is Pure Sexuality and moving through that Pure Sexuality is the light of Being .
And that is Love. So sexuality and light moving through it is the making of real Consciousness having real intelligent forms. It is the movement of Love and so enables you to know Love in all things; all at the level of your heart like a radiating sun filling up your heart that knows all forms are the formulation of this union.
Whilst Awareness has moved sexually from patterns, often from parental, societal patterns or just the need for experience, which is quite natural... you will soon discover that the root chakra is not a function of its own the root chakra is actually a function of the heart and Being . A radiance of Pure Self shining. Both the male and the female chakra are radiance shining at the level of the heart and also at a point within the brain that is totally connected with the cosmic movement of all life streaming bright-full Awareness-Knowing , forming Reality - a Greater Reality all the way into this denser form.
So you are raising up your sexuality to actually belong to your heart. But you really need to have sexual experience to discover that sex on its own is not fulfilling and ties you to body-minds and attachments and doesn't give you the ability to profoundly be with any thing in the universe and know its profundity, know its love, know its grace , know its wonder, know its grace , know its mystery.
When your sexuality is really coming forth from your heart then you are enabled to read the mystery of the earth and the universe and the mystery of another that you may have a calling to know Love with.
That is a transmission of Beingness that has all your forms, all your body and all your life, so you are able to move deeply into this life and into union with God in another, with the Divine in another, through You.
You are knowing with your Being what sexuality really is - it is singing in the birds, it is moving in the skies. It is in all creatures and in all things and it is light that marries it and moves it . That is a movement of Love. That always opens up the Deep.
INDIA RETREAT MAR 16 D9 S1 Full Session Recordings of B's satsangs are available here : : The India Retreat Audios Package will be available shortly after the retreat finishes.