cover of episode Pouring what YOU ARE into your self

Pouring what YOU ARE into your self

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B Prior's Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

To truly live in this world is to know you are Awareness-Knowing moving as Consciousness. It is to truly know you are not the form, but the form is a form of YOU and YOU are animating it.

It is a form of YOU. It is a Real form of the Real YOU. Anything that you make from your heart is a form of You, it is as much your hand as your hand is, it is as much your heart as your heart is. It is as much your eyes as you eyes are. It is as much your soul as your soul is. Soulful form. You will know no end. Even when the form itself drops away it will have a blue imprint in the ether of the universe as a True form. It will be sending out frequencies of your Love of having form in the universe. It won't end. It will expand the universe. Any other being coming along who wants to tune into that will be inspired to create their True form. They might even mistake that it some other God - but it is just a reflection of their own Real Self.

When you create something from your heart, from The Heart as a being, you will actually undo the self that you used to create from.
When you function to make something from your self that has not been integrated from your heart it is selfish or separative. That energy is not a beacon of light beaming through the universe saying: “Only Love Is.“

When you let go of your self and you listen to the inspiration of your heart and you move that forward in whatever you do, you will be dying to the use of self and you will be living to the movement of your heart. You will never use your self to bring the Real in. What that will do though: the Real will fill up your self and THEN you will have a Real Self. The more you are Real with your self and only manifest from your heart, you are building a Real Self.

What happens when you build a Real Self is that the Realness of YOU is also animating the form and you will be knowing that you are 'That' instantly and less do you think about what to do. You just move as a Being. Being doesn't think. Being just moves and it All happens. The moment you think about what to do in terms of 'what you need to do 'for a me' you are creating distorted forms. That will always give you and the world trouble. The more you create from the heart, that doesn't create trouble. That creates a beacon of light that says who everyone Is. The practice then in dying and rebirthing and dying and rebirthing is the same as you 'not using your self to do anything ' but ‘being the Heart that does’.

That will fill up your self with light and you have integrated your self from your heart and that is your continual work. There is no end to that, but you must know when your functioning from your self and make sure you are functioning from what you are Knowing. What you really know in your Heart WILL stretch your self - but let your self stretch! YOU take your self where it doesn't want to go ..which is to Be You. The Life that You are. That's birth - that's death.

You are quite capable of dying and rebirthing the next levels that you are moving into. The only thing that dies is that, that can die. The Real cannot die and that is what YOU Are. So when you move with a Greater Truth and with a depth of honesty you will be capable and able to manifest more of what you are knowing in the Heart and you will be able to make friends with your self in that you transform it. Not out of need but because you keep pouring who You Are into it.

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