cover of episode On Pain and Suffering

On Pain and Suffering

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B Prior's Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

A beautiful excerpt from the sessions in Tiruvannamalai Dec 15

B's responds to a question about pain and suffering in awakening.

B : If what you are is omnipresent , if one is omnipresent as a Being … in your omnipresence there is no suffering . You falling completely into what you are as a Being , you will know no suffering and know no thing happened. But there you are totally opened . You are learning to stay opened in existence. In the Beingness of existence there IS NO suffering, but bring your Beingness down to the level of existence and you will know pain. You will know pain on the level of existence.

"You will know the I in the am of existence that is completely and utterly One as Love. Then you will move down into the field where perception is distorted by the belief of other. In your awakening you are practicing no other - no other! -"

Then when you really begin to awaken - REALLY begin to awaken , you let all pain and all suffering pass through you and meet it . Doesn't matter whose it seems to be . You let it all come through. You stay open! This is the practice in your awakening .

Your belief is that you shouldn't be feeling the pain or having the pain. Buddha said : Existence is painful.

Then as you awaken and the self in you arises and is painful you allow more and more of what you are to meet that pain in and as the heart. Let it and meet it with the heart.

You are growing the ability to be what you deeply are, so that you can walk amongst in the world and know suffering and not be of that suffering but be there in the presence of your Real-Being-Self. Then you are of service to beings because you're not afraid of pain anymore.

Fear wont be there either. Fear is just the distorted energy that you think you are someone that needs to be safe and needs to be protected and needs to be shielded. That falls away in the Presence of what is God , or that that you really are.

Clearly there is suffering in the world, but the core suffering from where I come from is simple: Not Knowing WHO ONE IS and what This is for: the movement of Light evolving Consciousness and its forms It is continued awakening IN and AS the One , for all beings to be that Freedom , having forms of moving Freedom in sync with the Deep and because we're infinite and eternal then that will consistently be a deeper and wider movement , having deeper and wider forms .

This doesn’t require your trust. This requires your Love of the Deep and now separating the Deep from existence. Every aspect of existence . God is omnipresent within all forms .

Then suffering has the opportunity, through you, to be released The distortion of the belief in separation is the rise of a New Humanity , should you walk through the streets with a Heart that is open, no longer self - protecting , but Self-radiant.

Then you will have the knowledge , direct and immediate of what truly is and you will know suffering for what it is , but you wont belong to it , but you will serve from the place you are now coming from , because in the Deep you are already Freedom and right now you are already Freedom.

Recognise it ! But that knowledge will need your embodied response in all things.

That will have you moving Meaning throughout your life . Anything that doesn't have Meaning in and as the depth of you, you wont touch it anymore , or you will bring meaning to it , but it will be YOU bringing meaning to that, to what you are!

You won't need to protect anymore - you will realise : That's an illusion!

FROM Deeply Believe in Who and What You Are 151213 India Sessions DEC 15

Full Session and Package of India Recordings available here :