In a Death experience you will be a being with a human shell that falls off, but you will have an energy body of humanness, unless you have transcended your humanness by including it into your Beingness.
You don't transcend humanness.
You' are not supposed to 'get out of it '
By being your being it includes your humanness and your humanness goes home hand in hand with your being .
That's like saying : God is taking you home.
When you die, the shell of your human form will fall but the energetic body of your human form will already be 'being made new' as you ascend to wherever you are going and you'll get to a door and you will look and it will be incredibly , beautifully powerfully silent . Silent and everything will be alive ! and there will be no central point but everything is flowing as if it's a dance as if it's all gliding . And you' will see beings ..other beings that you may or may not have a moment of communion with..
Either way you will see thousands of beings moving and you;ll know their communication without even speaking to them . You won't be able to speak to them because you wont have words. You will be a frequency of communication , so others will know what you are thinking and how you are moving without the use of your lips.
Your lips now are vibratory and every cell of your being are lips speaking -vocal cords..and you will see beings coming out of different places going to different lights.
And that is actually what is taking place NOW! but it is coated with human self experience so you can't actually see that you're making choices now that determine how awake you are in the realm of Beingness or how asleep you are in the realm of humanness and Beingness.
You are making choices now that determine how you move as a being and how much Beingness you have once this body drops away. You are growing Beingness, you are expanding or developing Awareness as much as this body.
Let go of developing a someone ! Develop 'Awareness having Consciousness' . That is what you are prior to and in 'all this' - the form is simply a passing movement of your choices. That's what is actually happening .
From NZ sessions May 20th 2015
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