Satsang requires great Love through great honesty. Great honesty leads you direct to Great Love. It is not the kind of honesty that we're used to on the surface of this life. That's a moral 'other ' honesty. It has no context where I live, where I come from. Honesty is direct Knowing. The same as you know you're in this room. The same as you know where you live. You Know. There is nothing you can look at that you do not know. You know.
And you always know deeper than the objects that you look at: thoughts feelings, forms. You are always presented with what is deeper, but whether you would function from what is deeper… That is awakening. That requires awakening and Belonging to what is deeper.
So if we looked at our lives you will be seeing surface meaning and without any reason whatsoever that surface meaning is pierced by a light of deeper Meaning or Truth. It is pierced. In that moment in your life, where all your attention used to go just to the surface, the ‘surface you’, the person and the self, just the ‘surface you’.
Now You as Awareness have become aware of deeper meaning or light piercing the surface of you. You were just introduced to the Real You, the Transcendent You . The self. You must have been ripe for it. You're ripe. You are fruit on the tree of life and yet you are the tree and the ground it has come from and the nourishment that feeds it. That's what you are.
So there is this meaning of the surface life and when one begins to truly awaken, the surface life and its meaning gets shattered and it gets shattered in your person and in your self.
If you look with me now and you are knowing a deeper meaning than the triggers that get triggered in your person. And you see that the triggers you set in place, like you would set a trap if you were a hunter looking for game. You set a trigger there that if anything, anyone, any experience went beyond your self needs and wants - right there a trigger would happen and you would scramble to keep your self comfortable and not move into the Unknown,
As you awaken you'll get triggered. It will trigger in you. Your tendency is to run to the calling of that trigger but in awakening you move in response only to the calling of the deeper Meaning you are now knowing and becoming aware of. Nothing like the surface. It is clean and unknown. It is pure and in its purity that brings greater vulnerability to your person and to your self, which after all are instruments for you as Awareness to move in as That that you truly are or That that you are awakening to.
Truth. Honesty . An honesty that is not about any honesty you find on the surface. It's an honesty aligned to the light of you Knowing. Be clear about this because all your surface vehicles. We know these come and go. We know they pass away but the One who is knowing this neither comes nor goes nor passes away. That One is Pure Consciousness as it moves in this world it is Pure Love, because it brings union with the surface with the deep. That movement is Love. Not a surface Love, but a depth of Love where there is no other.
From ' Piercing the Surface Meaning ' India DEC 15
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