cover of episode Go To Sleep Awake

Go To Sleep Awake

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B Prior's Podcast

Shownotes Transcript

I look at that beautiful room that you're in... allow the plants to speak to you, the plaster that's falling off the wall over there, let that speak to you as well. It doesn't say 'repair me', it says 'see me'.

Let phenomena speak to you, not as phenomena but as a reflection of where phenomena come from because a phenomenon has that capacity. Any phenomenon is only phenomenal because of the spaciousness of the presence of Awareness.

There is nothing that is in this room that's not the manifestation of Awareness. So, when you include all the background in everything and not divide then you'll see everything lives as living Awareness. There is nothing separate. So, un-practise the world in oneself, un-practise it. So, however it is that you go to sleep, that's the way. Go to sleep awake.

Find, as we close, in one short sweet breath, you return without going anywhere. One short sweet breath and you're returned whole.