Who you are is the movement of Awareness having a self - the Real Self and the Beingness that moves and radiates throughout the universe from light to matter.
When you believe in anything that your mind says, anything that your self says , anything that your history says , anything at all whether it is from another or from you. When you believe that you are empowering a belief that is not of your heart of what you deeply know is true . the moment you start to listen to information from likes and dislikes, the moment you start to listen to history , to what others belief instead of what you truly know ..you will be putting that in your body. You will always embody what you believe in and as you embody what you believe in through thoughts and feelings then your self, which you are s Awareness evolving through belonging to what your heart is at the level of bright being , your self will remain un-integrated. You wont integrate what you are as the Divine in your self. So you will be split on many levels . You will be moving from a person that doesn't really know itself . You will be moving from a self that thinks it is the only self in the universe as separate from every other self.
When you respond to what your heart deeply is, the experience of having a body is beauty, wonder, mystery, Love's openness. When you just stay with your self it is pain suffering indifference ..so many levels ..all spit just because you are not functioning from the core essence of you , which begins with Knowing in your heart. When you stay in your heart, live from your heart you being opens up .
When your being opens up your nervous system changes and begins to integrate what your being is in your body, in your self in your person and in your life . You will be flowing like a stream of brightness from a golden ocean that is Real , that has a Reality in it that is Supreme , because it is where you really come from . There won't be such a thing as detachment. It will simply be what it is: Freedom Itself !
INDIA RETREAT MAR 16 D5 S3 SHORT Full Session Recordings of B's satsangs are available here : http://bprior.org/recordings/