Whatever you believe in will have your body - you will embody whatever you believe in . No matter how terrible it is or how Divine it is . You will embody what you believe in . Believe in What You Are and What You Are will realise! then your belief will be directly known in your own Real Experience . A Greater Reality will reveal itself than just sense perception.
Believe in Who You Are. One man said : "Believe in me for I will set you free " You can get your finger ( toward yourself ) and say
" Believe in me for I will set you free" for that is where it is. It wasn't someone outside of you.
He was pointing to your own Authentic Beingness. The Me being the embodiment of That; the I being the super-intelligence of That and the Knower being the profound Awareness that is knowing That.
But you WILL go through the undoing of how you put your self together . Don't avoid that! Just respond to the deeper opening..and watch the Goldenness take place.
So you can say I was experiencing heartbreak and still identifying it through your self - or you can say : I was in total heartbreak ! So all beings an be free!! Am I just mad ?
Any heart that can break is obviously not real. What You Are is unbreakable in the Deep - so then what breaks reveals a deeper place of loving and Being ..so let it break!!
INDIA RETREAT MAR 16 D5 S3 SHORT Full Session Recordings of B's satsangs are available here : : http://bprior.org/recordings/
The India Retreat Audios Package will be available shortly after the retreat finishes.