0:00 - 0:19 Introduction 0:20 - 4:22 States To Bar Chinese From Buying 4:23 - 6:38 Manhattan’s Luxury-Home Market 6:39 - 8:10 NYC Tourism On The Rise 8:11 - 12:37 LA "Mansion Tax" 12:38 - 15:24 End of NYC’s New Dev Drought
States seek to bar Chinese citizens from buying homes https://www.axios.com/2023/06/10/us-chinese-homebuyer-laws
The “mansion tax” was supposed to bring in $56M monthly. It took in $3.6M https://therealdeal.com/la/2023/06/07/las-measure-ula-takes-in-just-3-6m-during-its-first-month
Manhattan’s Luxury-Home Market Heads Into Summer on a Steady Note https://www.mansionglobal.com/articles/manhattans-luxury-home-market-heads-into-summer-on-a-steady-note-687af671
New study ranks New York as America's best city of 2023 https://nypost.com/2023/06/12/new-study-ranks-new-york-as-americas-best-city-of-2023/amp/
The End of NYC’s New Development Drought Is Here, Brokers Say https://therealdeal.com/new-york/2023/06/12/nycs-new-development-shakes-off-seasonality/