Today we’re talking to Ruth Kieran, CEO of Cirkle, about how an independent firm like Cirkle has coped and responded to the Covid-19 crisis so far.
Here’s a summary of what Ruth and I discussed:
- How has the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the business?
- How the crisis has been very specific in the way it has impacted firms. For example, Cirkle has a lot of food and drink clients including Morrisons and Cafe Nero. Morrisons is extremely busy and Cafe Nero obviously had to shut all of its stores.
- Ruth talks about the pressures of constantly having to review and re-scope work.
- How many in-house comms teams are run off their feet at the moment.
- How Cirkle has on-boarded clients since the lockdown began.
- How Ruth and her senior colleagues prepared Cirkle for the lockdown in the days and weeks beforehand.
- Why all firms need a good IT expert.
- What Cirkle is doing to look after its employees in this working-from-home environment era.
- Why do we all turn up to a Zoom call on time, but not to a physical meeting?
- Whether Cirkle has furloughed any staff?
- Why long-term planning and a rigid approach doesn’t work in this environment.
- How client KPIs and objectives have changed since the lockdown started.
- How has Ruth adapted and changed her own leadership style since the Covid-19 crisis kicked off?
- The importance of empathy and kindness in business currently.
- How Cirkle is preparing for the return of its employees to the office.
- How working remotely can impact the culture of a business.