This week on the PRmoment podcast, I’m interviewing Louise Turner, head of Edelman Intelligence UK & Ireland.
Louise talks to us about Edelman’s annual Trust Barometer research for the UK) in a global context.
[00:02:23] How trust in the institutions that govern our society collapsed during the 2008 financial crash and has never recovered.
[00:02:42] How the Edelman Trust Barometer measures trust in our government, in our media, businesses and in the NGO sector.
**[00:03:26] **How there is a massive difference of 14 trust points between the Informed public, people in the upper quartile of household income and the mass population.
[00:04:26] How economic pessimism is a key driver of the gap in trust.
[00:05:49] How globally we no longer trust the leaders of our government, the leaders of our businesses or the leaders of our media institutions.
[00:07:01] The rise of everyday activism and its implications for trust.
[00:07:34] What are the results of society having less trust in its institutions?
[00:08:56] Why the UK data shows that one of our biggest worries is around declining tolerance in society.
**[00:09:45] **Why the UK is second to bottom in the global trust rankings, above only Russia.
**[00:11:25] **How trading uncertainty (Brexit) and the divide between the rich and poor are the major drivers of UK pessimism.
[00:12:12] Louise talks us through the most trusted channels of communications – comparing traditional media, search engines, owned media and social media.
**[00:19:11] **How businesses and NGOs have better trust scores than the media and the government.
[00:20:49] How 53% of people in the UK have lost faith in “capitalism as it exists today.”
[00:22:40] How communicators can try to increase levels of trust.
**[00:25:39] **How employer trust scores are very high.
**[00:25:58] **Why partnerships between institutions will be key in rebuilding trust.
[00:27:31] The link between purpose and trust
[00:28:02] Louise identifies the key elements of trust: competence and ethics. There are three drivers of ethics – integrity, dependability and purpose.