Ever wonder which credit cards you should carry and how to effectively use them to cash in on max rewards? Well today we want to share with you what's in our wallets and how we decide which cards to use and which ones to keep tucked away. We are super excited for today's episode, not only to give you a behind-the-scenes look into what's in our wallets, but also to find out what each other's daily rhythms are when it comes to using them. So let's get to it. We also discuss cards that we plan to "sock drawer" after meeting the minimum spending requirements and earning the bonuses. Lastly, we talk about cards that we plan to downgrade to keep them open without paying the full annual fees. Hit play to hear the full conversation! We hope you gain some valuable tips for leveling up your own wallets for maximum points! As always, if you are interested in the credit cards mentioned today, or if you want to learn more about traveling for nearly free, click on the links below!
Links For All Things Travel Mom Squad: stan.store/travelmomsquad) Links For This Episode: Travel Freely App: https://my.travelfreely.com/app_store?bref=hmin)
Episode Minute By Minute:
00:37 Have you ever wondered what's in our wallets? Today we break down what we use every day and why!
01:35 Pam shares her favorite cards in her wallet right now
06:20 Jess shares what's in her wallet
08:40 Alex shares her wallet contents
12:15 Discussion about our go-to/main credit cards
15:00 Get the most out of every purchase using the right credit cards for specific spending categories like dining, grocery shopping, and travel
18:46 How the Amex Gold can help you earn big at grocery stores and restaurants
23:08 Find out what cards have recently been added to Jess's collection
25:23 Equally As Important News: Our list of cards that have recently left our wallets and why
36:11 Our #1 Travel App recommendation
38:02 How to get access to all the cards mentioned today and learn how you can travel nearly free!