Whether you are taking a road trip or flying somewhere this summer, don't forget about fueling your body, especially to avoid the crankiness of travel fatique.STAY HYDRATED and PACK SNACKSFor hydration, I recommend drinking plenty of water. To reduce single-use plastics, I travel with a water bottle to fill up (and it saves money). I use LifeStraw as my water bottle.Snacks- whatever you like but avoid chocolate because it melts. Try to bring healthy options for better energy, ie: trail mix, protein bars, nuts.<a target="_blank" href="https://www.amazon.com/LifeStraw-Go-BPA-Free-parasites-microplastics-dp-B0BY3BKCBR/dp/B0BY3BKCBR/ref=dp_ob_title_def?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=solotraveladv-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=88386f837abc34424229888551b100c9&camp=1789&creative=9325">Life Straw Water Bottle</a>
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