录音、主播:孟飞Phoenix图文源自网络,归原作者所有BGM:古筝-渔舟唱晚孟叔的微博:孟飞Phoenix主播:孟飞Phoenix咏怀诗选(七)阮籍(公元210年-263年)炎暑惟兹夏,三旬将欲移。芳树垂绿叶,青云自逶迤。四时更代谢,日月递参差。徘徊空堂上,忉怛莫我知。愿覩卒欢好,不见悲别离。Selections from Songs of My Heart 7Ruan Ji (210-263 A.D)This sweltering heat will take its leave of us,the summer months will not want to stay.Fragrant trees, heavy with bright leaves,blue clouds, wandering across the sky...So the four seasons turn, and turn around,the Sun and the Moon rise and fall in succession. Back and forth I pace the empty courtyard. nobody but myself to behold my sadness.I hope in the end for happiness, and harmony, not pain, not separation. —吴伏生、Graham Hartill译