cover of episode 英语美文朗读《我愿作无忧无虑的小孩》


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乔治·戈登·拜伦George Gordon Byron1788—1824英国19世纪初期伟大的浪漫主义诗人代表作品有《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》《唐璜》等————————————————我愿作无忧无虑的小孩 作者:乔治·戈登·拜伦 | 主播:孟飞PhoenixI would I were a careless child,Still dwelling in my Highland cave,Or roaming through the dusky wild,Or bounding o'er the dark blue wave;我愿做无忧无虑的小孩仍然居住在高原的洞穴或是在微曛旷野里徘徊或是在暗蓝海波上腾跃The cumbrous pomp of Saxon prideAccords not with the freeborn soulWhich loves the mountain's craggy side,And seeks the rocks where billows roll.撒克逊浮华的繁文缛礼不合我生来自由的意志我眷念坡道崎岖的山地我向往狂涛扑打的巨石Fortune! Take back these cultured lands,Take back this name of splendid sound!I hate the touch of servile hands,I hate the slaves that cringe around.命运呵请收回丰熟的田畴收回这响亮的尊荣称号我厌恶被人卑屈地迎候厌恶被奴仆躬身环绕Place me among the rocks I love,Which sound to Ocean's wildest roar ;I ask but this—again to roveThrough scenes my youth hath known before.把我放回我酷爱的山岳听巉岩应和咆哮的海洋我只求让我重新领略我从小熟悉的故国风光Few are my years, and yet I feelThe world was never designed for me:Ah! why do darkening shades concealThe hour when man must cease to be?我虽然年少,也能感觉出这世界决不是为我而设幽冥暗影为何要幂覆世人向尘寰告别的时刻Once I beheld a splendid dream,A visionary scene of bliss:Truth!—wherefore did thy hated beamAwake me to a world like this?我也曾瞥见过辉煌梦境—极乐之乡的神奇幻觉;真相呵!为何你可憎的光明唤醒我面临这么个世界I loved—but those I loved are gone;Had friends—my early friends are fledHow cheerless feels the heart aloneWhen all its former hopes are dead!我爱过——所爱之人已离去有朋友——早年友谊已终结孤苦的心灵怎能不忧郁当原有的希望都黯然熄灭Though gay companions o'er the bowlDispel awhile the sense of ill;Though pleasure stirs the maddening soul,The heart—the heart—is lonely still.纵然酒宴中欢谑的伙伴们把恶劣情怀驱散了片刻豪兴能振奋痴狂的灵魂心儿呵,心儿却永远寂寞How dull! to hear the voice of thoseWhom rank or chance, whom wealth or power,Have made, though neither friends nor foes,Associates of the festive hour.多无聊!去听那些人闲谈那些人与我非敌非友是门第、权势、财富或机缘使他们与我在筵前聚首Give me again a faithful few,In years and feelings still the same,And I will fly the midnight crew,Where boisterous joy is but a name.把几个忠诚密友还给我还是原来的年纪和心情躲开那半夜喧嚣的一伙他们的欢乐不过是虚名And woman, lovely woman! thou,My hope, my comforter, my all?How cold must be my bosom now,When even thy smiles begin to pall!美人,可爱的美人!你就是我的希望,慰藉,和一切连你那笑靥的魅力也消失我心中怎能不奇寒凛冽Without a sigh would I resignThis busy scene of splendid woe, To make that calm contentment mine,Which virtue knows, or seems to know.又富丽又惨苦的繁嚣俗境我毫无叹惜,愿从此告辞我只要怡然知足的恬静—“美德”熟识它,或似曾相识Fain would I fly the haunts of men—I seek to shun, not hate mankindMy breast requires the sullen glenWhose gloom may suit a darkened mind.告别这熙来攘往的去处—我不恨人类,只是想避开我痴心寻觅阴沉崖谷那暝色契合这晦暗胸怀Oh! that to me the wings were givenWhich bear the turtledove to her nestThen would I cleave the vault of heavenTo flee away, and be at rest.但愿能给我一双翅膀像斑鸠飞回栖宿的巢里我也要展翅飞越穹苍飘然远引,得享安息——————————————————主播:孟飞Phoenix 暂居成都 现任成都某校英语教师关键词【低音炮】【英文】【双语主持】【摄影】【吉他】【唱歌】【演讲】. . .欢迎关注孟老师微博微博:@孟飞Phoenix随时留言和互动听英语关注微信订阅号“英语美文朗读”收听更多暖声英语美文听中文关注微信订阅号“孟叔说”治愈暖声中文伴你入眠