cover of episode 英语美文朗读《人生苦短不要斤斤计较》


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Life is Too Short to Be Littel人生苦短不要斤斤计较源自:网络 | 主播:孟飞PhoenixWe men are imperfect beings, so conflicts among us are unavoidable.我们人类皆是不完美的造物,所以彼此之间必然会起争执。Inevitably, we sometimes feel injured, insulted, or slighted.无可避免地,我们有时会感受到伤害、侮辱或轻视。Perhaps we put our faith in another, and were disappointed; perhaps we felt we deserved one's gratitude and were denied;也许我们曾信任某人却失望了,也许我们曾觉得应该被某人感激却遭事与愿违,perhaps we wished to join our efforts to those of a group and were rejected.也许我们曾希望共同为某一个团队努力打拼,却被摒除于外。Such experiences are painful indeed, but is it not foolish to let them occupy our thoughts and precious time?这样的经历的确很痛苦,但任由它们占据我们的思想与宝贵的时间岂不太愚蠢了?For what does it profit us to dwell on trivial matters?因为令人心烦的琐碎小事于我们有何益处呢?The priceless days must be spent meaningfully, joyfully.宝贵的时光必须过得有意义且快乐。How thoughtless to waste the irreplaceable hours reviewing insignificant incidents, bearing a grudge, or pitying oneself!把一去不回的时间浪费在回顾微不足道的事,怀恨或自怜之上,这样的做法是多么欠思虑啊!Far better to embrace with gratitude the gift of each day to make the most of every moment by filling it with purpose or appreciation.带着感恩的心去拥抱每一天,也就是要有目的或心存感激地过好每一分每一秒,这样的做法才更好。Consider this thought when next you feel tempted to nurse a grievance: that life is too short to be little!下次你心生怨言时,想想这一点:“人生苦短何必斤斤计较!”录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix主播各平台同名:@孟飞PhoenixBGM:① DEPAPEPE - TIME ② 岸部眞明 - The End of the World