声音、英文翻译、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix慢煮生活 Savor Life SlowlyLife, an eternal verse, each heart holds its own melody. Just follow the rhythm within, embrace the favored persona, with an open heart and tranquil mind, savor the brilliance that's uniquely yours – that's enough. In my vision, the most exquisite days unfold with morning blossoms tended, tea brewed in leisure, basking in sunlight, strolling through a gentle rain, and nightfall reading under the lamplight. In this serene span, embracing the ordinary life while cherishing our own dreams. Let everything unfold as it should, naturally, as flowers bloom and fade, clouds come and go outside the window. At this moment, it is the best time and the most beautiful arrangement.生活,是一首隽永的诗,每个人都有自己的情怀,我们只需,随着心的感觉,保持自己喜欢的样子,以开阔的胸怀,平静的心态,去享受属于自己的那份精彩,也就足够了。我以为,最美的日子当是晨起侍花,闲来煮茶,阳光下打盹,细雨中漫步,夜灯下读书,在这清浅时光里,一手烟火一手诗意,任窗外花开花落,云来云往,自是余味无尽,万般惬意。Seeing everything around is as usual, plain and real. Reflecting on these moments, I realize that life before me remains the same, warm as yesterday. Wish to always preserve this tenderness and smoothness, to live through ordinary days without regrets, embracing whatever comes with joy and tranquility.抬眼见山河,山河无恙,低眉烟火色,烟火如常,我愿能常保这一份温柔和顺遂,将平淡的日子,过到无悔,随遇,随喜,随安。I hope for someone like you, like the refreshing wind in the mountains, the warm sunshine in an ancient city. In the dance of time and across distant lands, ultimate bliss resides in the sweet finale — with you by my side. Gift from afar, a breeze of spring you are, all the joys, sorrows, laughter, and tears in life, I want to spend them with you, we come into each other's lives with a destined connection, cherishing the time of our meeting and the moments we share together. At this moment, at that moment, everything feels just like when we first met."我希望有个如你一般的人,如山间清爽的风,如古城温暖的光。从清晨到夜晚,由山野到书房。只要最后是你,就好。你是远道而来的礼物,是春风吹来的温柔,人间百味日月星河,浪漫斜阳与你共度,你经过我的岁月,我途经你的年华彼时,光阴不负,此时,岁月如初。关于作者:汪曾祺(1920年3月5日—1997年5月16日)江苏高邮人,中国当代小说家、散文家、戏剧家。 被誉为京派作家的代表人物。代表作品有《受戒》《晚饭花集》《逝水》《晚翠文谈》《端午的鸭蛋》等。文本、录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞PhoenixBGM:1.张穆庭 - 雪落下的声音2.Reve - 홍월