It happened to my husband: a person in leadership made a comment that left him feeling like he'd been hit in the stomach. I would sit back quietly as he shared what had been said and then marvel at how he was able to take the hits with such grace. I became offended for him, feeling like he should say something to set the record straight. My husband quietly processed the comment, prayed, and then left it in the Lord's hands.
Now it was my turn!
The same person who hurt my precious husband made some comments that were directed toward me. I was stunned when I first heard what was said. I could hardly process all the emotions that I felt all at once: anger, embarrassment, frustration, hurt—all churning in my stomach at the same time. and then came the desire to set the record straight and to correct the faulty thinking!
How do you react when you've been offended? Listen to today's episode to learn 10 biblical responses to offense, from Gina Smith, based on Proverbs 17:9.
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