Do you find you have no time for prayer these days? Aspirations* *can help! These short prayers can keep you close to Jesus and Mary! The text for this podcast can be found at
We have a partial text below for your convenience as well:
Do you feel too pressed for time to pray? These short prayers (also known as aspirations) can help! They're are easy to learn. A good many of them are easy to memorize as well!
Just as a reminder, the texts for these can be found on our website (with no spaces between the words our catholic prayers) under the heading “aspirations” in the navigation bar on the left side of the page. We also have a direct link to the page itself on the web page for this podcast.)
They can provide you with a great way to stay in touch with our Lord and our Blessed Mother, especially for those times you feel most at your wits end!
At times like these when it seems like nothing is going right don’t lose hope! You can stay close to Jesus and Mary with these aspirations, many of which come from old prayer books. (These prayers are great in good times or bad!)
Because these prayers are brief, I will pause between each one, but feel free to combine them if you’d like. There’s no hard and fast rule about this!
In any case, I invite you to be inspired by with these short prayers by our Lord’s words: “pray always” (taken from Luke’s gospel chapter 21, verse 36) and by St. Paul’s as well. He wrote in his first letter to the Thessalonians “pray without ceasing” (in chapter 5, verse 17)!
Here’s a good short prayer to both our Lord and his Blessed Mother, for starters:
Jesus, Mary, I love you. Save souls!
Here’s a good one to the Holy Spirit. This one is especially good when said with any prayer to the Holy Spirit, but is good all on its own, especially in those times you feel most in need of His counsel, comfort, and strength!
O Holy Spirit, sweet Guest of my soul, abide in me and grant that I may ever abide in Thee.
This one is also very powerful:
Holy Spirit, command me to do Your will
This next short prayer comes especially recommended by Jesus Himself! He once told Sister Mary of St. Peter, a French Carmelite nun in 1844 "Oh, if you only knew what great merit you acquire by saying evening once 'Admirable is the name of God' in the spirit of reparation for blasphemy!"
We’ve grouped these other aspirations into the following categories:
The first one is PRAYERS TO OUR LORD
(It has been noted, incidentally, that a very good effective prayer is just to say the name of Jesus!)
Jesus, I love You; Jesus, have mercy; Jesus, make Your will mine!
Blessed be God!
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Divine Heart of Jesus, convert sinners, save the dying, deliver the holy souls in purgatory. Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, increase in us our Faith, Hope and Charity.
Good Jesus, give me a deep love for Thee, that nothing may be too hard for me to bear from Thee. Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, set our hearts on fire with love of Thee.
Heart of Jesus, I put my trust in Thee!
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our heart like unto Thine. Jesus, my God, I love Thee above all things!
Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!
May the most just, most high, and most adorable will of God be done in all things, praised and magnified forever.
My God and my all. My Jesus, mercy!
My Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake of Thy sufferings, grant me such faith, hope, charity, sorrow for my sins, and love of prayer as will save and sanctify my soul.
My Lord, grant that I may love Thee, and that the reward of my love may be to love Thee ever more and more.
My sweetest Jesus, be not my Judge, but my Savior.
O Good Jesus, shelter me from the evil one, shed Thy dew upon me to calm my soul, and dwell in me fully, that I may wholly love Thee.
O Good Jesus, my God and my All, keep me ever near Thee, let nothing for a moment separate me from Thee.
Praised be Jesus Christ, now and forevermore. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come!
Savior of the world, have mercy on us. Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love!
Sweet Heart of my Jesus, grant that I may ever love Thee more.
We adore and praise Thee, most holy Lord Jesus Christ, because by Thy holy cross Thou hast redeemed the world.
And last, but by no means least in this first category , this one, made famous as it often appears in images of the Divine Mercy portrait of Jesus that Saint Faustina, a polish nun had painted at our Lord’s request in the 1930’s:
Jesus I trust in You!
Jesus, my God, here present in the Sacrament of Thy love, I adore Thee.
O Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, have mercy on us.
O Jesus, in the most holy Sacrament, have mercy on us.
Praised and adored forever be the most holy Sacrament.
We adore Thee, thou true Bread of angels.
Mary, Virgin Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me.
Sweet Heart of Mary, be my salvation!
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!
Mary, our hope, have pity on us!
Mary, most sorrowful, Mother of Christians, pray for us.
O Mary, virgin Mother of God, pray to Jesus for me.
My Queen! my Mother! remember I am thine own. Keep me, guard me, as thy property and possession.
O Mary, thou didst enter the world without stain; do thou obtain for me from God, that I may leave it without sin.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph!
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, bless us now and at the hour of our death.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I give You my heart and my soul.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last agony.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe out my soul in peace with You.
O Lord, do not deal with us according to our sins which we have committed, nor according to our wickedness.
O Lord, do not remember our former wickedness, and be merciful and forgive our sins for the sake of Your holy Name.
O merciful Lord, You are never weary of speaking to my poor heart. Grant me grace that, if today I hear Your voice, my heart may not be hardened.
From all sin, deliver me, O Lord.
Lord, I fear Your justice; I implore Your mercy. Do not deliver me to everlasting pains, but grant that I may possess You in eternal joys.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. O God, be merciful to me a sinner.
My Jesus, mercy.
Sweetest Jesus, be not my Judge, but my Saviour.
Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.
My Mother, my hope.
Mother of mercy, pray for us.
Virgin Mother of God, when you stand before the face of the Lord, remember to speak favorable things in our behalf that He may turn away His just anger from us.
Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies.
Lord, I am my own enemy when I seek my peace apart from You.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, grant us Your peace.
Sweetest Jesus, hide me in your Sacred Heart. Do not permit me ever to be separated from You. Defend me from the evil foe.
Lord Jesus, through Your infant cries when You were born for me in the manger; through Your tears when You died for me on the Cross; through Your love as You live for me in the tabernacle, have mercy on me and save me.
Lord Jesus Christ, deliver me from all my sins and from every evil. Make me ever keep Your commandments and never allow me to be separated from You.