Hello! Today’s topic is going to leave you feeling very educated about psoriasis and maybe change the way you think about people dealing with it. We had SO many ppl write in to tell their story, but Morgan’s stood out the most. She grew up in Canada and has suffered from psoriasis her entire life. Being colder over there, she covered her body from head to toe all year round and didn’t tell a SINGLE human she had psoriasis besides her parents and partners. Wild.Psoriasis may look to just be a condition of the skin, but it starts inside the body – it’s an auto-immune condition, which means all the sh*t kicking the fan is internal and works its way out to the skin. The inflammation makes the skin grow and multiply too quickly. The body isn’t able to shed excess skin cells, so they pile up on the skin's surface, leaving inflamed thick and scaly patches.1.5 million Aussies have psoriasis. One-third of them have depression and one-third develop psoriatic arthritis, which is inflammation of the joints. There’s no cure for psoriasis but there are lots of ways you can manage it through topical products, like Yours Only COAT, steroids, phototherapy, like a UVA or UVB treatment, medication, and biologics.When Morgan was in Canada she found a dermatologist who helped her be plaque-free through a biologic treatment, but it is something that makes you immunocompromised. She’s now living in Australia with psoriasis and learning to manage it again.
If you think you have psoriasis, book an appointment with a health care specialist before self-diagnosing.
For some informative links on psoriasis: https://psoriasisaustralia.org.au/psoriasis/what-is-psoriasis/ )https://www.psoriasis.org/about-psoriasis/)