Hello! My god, it feels so good to do podcast episodes at the end of the week. In this week's episode I chat to the amazing Accredited & Practicing Dietitian Chloe McLeod, about winter eating.
As you know we released the Yours Only e-mag, Simply Dramatic last week, and the first section talks all about winter eating, so I, of course, bought on my Dietitian Chloe to talk about all of her wisdom on the foods we should be consuming to support our immune system. I interviewed her for the podcast in August last year, which spoke all about food chemicals like salicylates and amines. It would be worth listening back to that, even though the audio on that one isn’t the best.
Simply Dramatic e-mag: https://yoursonly.co/product/simply-dramatic/ Chloe's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chloe_mcleod_dietitian/ Chloe's team: https://www.instagram.com/health_performance_collective/