Listen to today's podcast...
Most of us do it and some of us even started.
It is frowned upon publicly, but privately, it is often indulged in.
If you're a professional gossiper, then you can make money through publishing it in magazine and newspaper columns or even through your own talk show.
However, in some places around the world it is seen as downright criminal.
Workplace gossip can destroy.
Gossip is thought to empower one person while disempowering another, accordingly many companies have formal policies in their employee handbook against gossip.
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!
Here are Today's Tips For Building Resiliency And Celebrating And Gossip Day:
Gossiping is a reflection of who you are at the core.
Consider the conversations that you have. Are they serving a purpose? Is that purpose constructive. Is it focusing on solving issues or just to draw people to your side?
It can be hard to avoid gossip. Become skilled at walking away or changing the subject. If you can, focus the conversation on problem solving instead of allowing the attack to continue.
Looking for resources to build your healthy workplace? Check out my top ten tips under resources and courses at
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