cover of episode TIP 2053 – Making Lemonade

TIP 2053 – Making Lemonade

logo of podcast Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

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Do you know where pink lemons come from?

Two 12 year-olds were left with a sour taste in their mouths after officials shut them down for not having a permit when they started selling lemonade in a dog park to raise cash for new soccer uniforms for their team.

Today we celebrate Lemonade Day.  A day which is designed to introduce children to having their own business. I still remember when my boys decided that they were going to sell lemonade at the end of the street when we held a garage sale at their great grandpa’s. 

Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!      Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Lemonade Day:

It is May and the weather is getting nicer, but we are not able to set up a lemonade stand…not yet.

What we can do though is talk to our children about what type of business they would run if they could or what kind of business do they think they could run now. The idea is to have a conversation around what would be involved, who their customers might be, and how would they let their customers know that they were open for business.

Fun Fact….

The Greeks were the first to make pink lemonade. They made this so that while the adults were having wine at celebrations, the children would also have a special treat. When the Greeks dyed the lemonade pink by adding wine, the common myth in the community was that this drink was made from pink lemons that grew in a forest that no man could enter and come out alive. They made the children believe that these magical pink lemons were brought back by a noble king. Now there is marketing

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Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In

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