cover of episode TIP 2045 – Neighbours Helping Neighbours

TIP 2045 – Neighbours Helping Neighbours

logo of podcast Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

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April is often seen as the month to focus on spring cleaning, but it is also the month to reach out and help your neighbours.

When I was young, our family dairy barn burned down. Neighbours came to help in the rebuild, and brought food to feed the construction workers and volunteers. It was just something that was done. Neighbours helping neighbours.

National Rebuilding Month is a campaign to highlight the connection between our homes and health. It encourages everyone to take steps to be safer and healthier at home.

Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!      Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Rebuilding Month:

These past couple of years have certainly seen many people looking for ways to work at home, feel happier in their homes, and to relax in their homes.

National Rebuilding Month is also an annual month-long call to service, culminating with National Rebuilding Day, the last Saturday of the month. It encourages you to look out for those who need a helping hand in your neighbourhood. Volunteers eliminate health and safety hazards and help their neighbours live safely and independently in their homes.

Adopt a neighbour and provide the critical repairs that they need to stay safe in their home.

Maybe you are not handy, but you have a green thumb. Help a senior work their flower beds or pull weeds.

Provide a bag of groceries or a bag of pet food to alleviate a bit of the financial pressures someone may be experiencing.

As houses are transformed, neighbourhoods and communities find hope. And HOPE is so critical right now in helping us to look towards the future with joy and energy.

Want to check out more health and wellness related celebrations? Visit my wellness calendars under the resources and courses tab at

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