Listen to today's podcast...
Have You Ever Had A Dog Bite You?
I was only two. In my mind, I vaguely remember being in our living room with my mom while she was crying and talking on the phone to the hospital. I remember being in the emergency room. And before all of this, I have a fleeting memory of being out at the barn and our dog. Somehow, our dog thought that I was going to steal his food, though I had been out there numerous times. On this particular occasion, he snapped at me and bit me, just missing my eye.
Even the calmest, most loving dog can get snappy when sat on, stepped on or when they feel fear for themselves or their family.
My experience could have left me scarred in many more ways than just the one that I carry on my face. Today, I am a dog lover. I don’t fear them, but I do have a very healthy respect for them.
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency! Here are today’s Tips For Protecting Yourself And Celebrating Dog Bite Prevention Week:
The Canadian Safety Council estimates that in 70% of dog bite cases the victim knew the dog. Parents need to teach their children how to interact safely with Fido.
NEVER disturb a dog who is sleeping, eating, or caring for puppies.
NEVER pet a dog, even your own, without letting him see and sniff you first.
Dogs that haven’t been properly socialized, receive little attention or handling, or are left tied up for long periods of time frequently turn into biters. Be a responsible pet owner.
Properly train and socialize your dog, and teach it submissive behaviors like giving up food without growling.
Cynophobia is an irrational fear of dogs. If you find that your fear of dogs is excessive and you can’t easily avoid them, seek out the help of a professional counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist.
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