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I had no idea. There will be nearly 9,000 new cases of Testicular Cancer diagnosed during this year and more than 300 young men will die from the disease because they didn’t catch it in time. That is more deaths than women in this age group who will die of breast cancer.)
Testicular Cancer is the most common cancer in men ages 15-40, that time when we don’t want to admit the possibility of illness. However, if detected early, it is among the easiest to cure.
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency! So Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Testicular Cancer Awareness Week:
You are never too young or too old to do a self-exam. Teach young boys just like we do teen girls to do a self-exam. It should not be embarrassing, and it does save lives.
Know the risk factors:
Age: Most testicular cancers occur between the ages of 15 and 40.
The main risk factor for testicular cancer are undescended testicle(s).
A family history of testicular cancer increases the risk.
Race and ethnicity: The risk of testicular cancer among white American men is about five times that of African-American men and more than double that of Asian-American men.
Talk about it. Private parts are private, but knowing how to detect an illness early is just as essential as the ‘birds and the bees’.
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