cover of episode TIP 2002 – Be More Sleep Diligent!

TIP 2002 – Be More Sleep Diligent!

logo of podcast Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

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Over half of drivers say that they have driven drowsy in the past year. Many of us are sleeping poorly which is causing us to be sleep deprived.

Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency

So Here are today’s Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating World Sleep Day:

Go to bed and get up at the same time every day. Follow a regular schedule each night. This trains your body and brain and promotes relaxation.

Do not adjust your ritual over the weekend.

Do not nap if you have trouble sleeping, unless there is a need for alertness.

Keep your room cool, dark, and block noises.

Allow for thorough ventilation in the room to avoid breathing stale air

The power of suggestion can be a powerful aid in getting a better sleep, especially if used in conjunction with deep breathing. The more that it is used, the more potent the effect it has. Suggestion works by gently reminding your mind. Try “Calm, Peaceful, Sleep, Dream”

Do not tell yourself how tired you are going to be the next day, as this kind of suggestion is just as fulfilling

 A good night’s sleep can mean the difference between coping effectively with the daily stressors of life and completely losing your mental and physical health.

Discover how to take small steps towards a healthier, happier, less-stressed you by visiting my website at

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