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I am really glad that February is the shortest month of the year, as it always seems tough to get through. I often get hit with the blahs during this time. Sometimes it is because of the busyness around me and sometimes it is weather-related. Sometimes it is both.
Have you ever been caught up in the blahs and you aren’t sure that things are going to ever pick back up? Do you worry that you may feel this way forever?
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency! Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating National Blah Buster Month:
Getting together with a friend is a sure way to put the blahs at bay. Social connections ground us.
Declutter Your Closet. Go through your clothes and pull out the things you no longer wear. Donate those items. Organizing and Decluttering open up space in our environment and our minds.
Get Active. Exercise is a mood enhancer and will naturally lift your spirits.
Go to the light. I often get caught staying indoors during this month, but the more I get outside the better I feel.
Finally, try something new. A new activity. A new recipe. A new technology. All of these can increase your brain’s plasticity and add a bit of a spark to a tough month.
For more information on coping with mental health issues, sign up for one of my online courses at under the resources and courses tab.
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