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Have you found that when your plate is overloaded with work and family responsibilities, or when you are in a professional, financial, or relationship crisis, your self-care tends to fly out the window?
For some of us, self-care is a luxury that we feel we can not afford to indulge in. There is a quote that I like that says, “How thin can I spread myself before I no longer exist’”
Self-renewal is about transforming yourself. It can give you a fresh take on life. You feel better and more able, more competent and more effective. Self-care is like oxygen. It is essential in order to live a balanced and fulfilled life. If grit is what keeps you going, and resilience is what picks you up, self- renewal is what helps you stay energized.
Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency! Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Self-Renewal Day:
Tip #1 Do A Body Scan. As soon as you wake, ask yourself, “Physically, emotionally, or spiritually, what do I really need to focus on today’” Self-renewing activities include looking after your well-being.
Tip #2 Find Your Tribe. “Build your support network,” When we gather together to “tend and befriend,” our body releases more of the stress-reducing hormone, oxytocin. This makes us feel more hopeful, grateful and resilient.
Looking for resources to build your resiliency? Check out my Live Smart blog at
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