cover of episode TIP 1953 – Fun At Work

TIP 1953 – Fun At Work

logo of podcast Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Work Smart Live Smart with Beverly Beuermann-King

Shownotes Transcript

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“Blessed is the person who can have fun while being productive.”

Really, isn’t that what it is all about. Enjoying what you do.

Some people have fun actually doing their jobs. They get a kick out of creating or solving. Some people create fun while they are doing their job by connecting with the people that they work with.

Our research shows that those who have fun at work are more engaged, more productive and are healthier. It is in a company’s best interest then to build more fun into the workplace.

Take One Action Today To Build Your #Resiliency!      So here are Today’s Hot Tips For Building Resiliency and Celebrating Fun At Work Day:

Create a special theme for the day – decorate, dress up

Bring food to share – tie it to your theme

Share the jokes of the day – or list the best excuses for the day

Set up team challenges

Any job can be transformed. It is how you look at it and the fun that you build around it.

According to one philosopher, the supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.

Looking for more tips to build your resiliency? Look for my book on Amazon called Stress Out. 52 Weeks To Letting More Life In

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