In this episode Noah and Steve discuss migrating moving into a datacenter. Amazon Linux 3 is based off of Fedora, a new GPD Pocket 3 is out and is an IT sysadmin's dream, a privacy respecting voice assistant, join us for a packed show!
Fedora is not unstable
What should we look for in OpenSuse Tumbleweed? - Write In!
Underlying distribution seems matter less now days
What is the primary use of OpenSuse Tumbleweed? - Write In!
Click To Expand
# !/usr/bin/env python3
# based on
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen, ssl, socket
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError
import json
from dateutil import parser
for site in {
context = ssl.create*default*context()
with socket.create*connection((site, '443')) as sock:
with context.wrap*socket(sock, server_hostname=site) as ssock:
expiration = parser.parse(ssock.getpeercert()['notAfter'])
print(f"{str(} {site} ({ssock.version()})")
#data = json.dumps(ssock.getpeercert())
except Exception as e: # socket.gaierror, ConnectionRefusedError, ConnectionResetError, ssl.SSLCertVerificationError, etc.
print(f"---------- {site} {str(e)}")
Banking this for work!
Free Hosting doesn't include HTTPS
Changes coming at the end of the year
RaspberryPi HiFi Hats?
Thanks Noah and Steve
OpenVPN worked!
Graphical Docker App for Linux
GPD Pocket 1 is awesome
This device has changed my life
Designed for IT work
Modular IO Ports
Comes with a stylus
Based on Fedora Community Linux
SeLinux on by default
Companies moving from "Tried & True" to "Rolling & Community"
Open Source Virtual Assistant
Stanford University's Open Virtual Assistant Lab (OVAL) rebranded its Almond assistant as Genie
Competition is good
Available in Proton 6.3-8
Still Need to set
dxgi.nvapiHack = False
Available on Nvidea Only (not on the Steam Deck)
Alternative private front-end for Reddit
Steve is a Red Hat Architect
Containerize Altispeed Technologies
HA/Redundancy/Fail Over
Where Altispeed is at now
Where Altispeed wants to go
Altispeed Sandbox
Skating to where the puck is going
Move platforms then "modernize"
Send us your questions
Special episode Sept 21
Special Event - Altispeed Technologies Roundtable
Thurs Dec 9, 6 pm central
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