This week we tried to migrate our Matrix instance to our own data center, it didn't go well. We discuss our mistakes and what our next steps are. Your calls, your emails we cover it all in this episode!
Client received a police call
Transparent Proxy
Managed Switches
DNS Resolver/Forwarder
Firewall Rules
Squid Proxy
Dragon's Tail
Multiple Network Cards
Managed Switch
HP 1920 Series
All smart bulbs have a failsafe
Smart Assistant
Smart stuff at the switch
Pinewood Derby Software
Real Time stats, Live instant replay, and more!
RHCE is hard
Skills Based
RHCSA is required before you can be called a RHCE
Class is not required, but will help you a lot
VTC Class
The guy with MoCA adapters that fail... He has to be sure that any splitters along the way are compatible (will pass the right frequencies). Also, if the cable is connected to CATV, he may need an in-line filter that will prevent his in-house MoCA signalling from propagating up the line to the cable company or the neighbors if the neighborhood infrastructure is old enough.
Curious about custom local domain name resolution. Setup avahi for hostname.local on my pi, but curious about adding services to *.home in addition to .local
Pseudo TLD
Reserved Pseudo Domains
I want to know where to get low(er) cost used rack mountable storage solutions. What interfaces are used between them? I have a raid 10 btrfs array I want to grow.
Digitize VHS C tapes
VHS player with built in converter to DVD
Linux Delta Matrix Server
Digital Ocean Bill was doubling
12,000+ Users
Data Migration took 4+ days
Ansible and Containers
Postgres issues
Learned a lot
What is your baseline?
Possible Solutions
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