Philippe Humeau joins us this hour to talk about CrowdSec - an IDS/IPS that uses crowd sourced information to evaluate threats on your network!
Noah's hackish solution
TempFS? RamDisk? SquashFS?
'Delete' isn't a thing (Inodes)
Host Gator
Self Host with Hugo
Tied to Hosting provider
Steve likes his EnPhase Solar) setup
- Linux Better on i9 Systems
EMQX 5.0
Calibre 6.0
Budgie Desktop 10.6.2
Linux Mint 21 Beta
Debian GNU/Linux 11.4
Kali Linux on Linode
Paladin Cloud Security-as-Code
Android Zero Day
OrBit Malware
Philippe Ew-Mow from CrowdSec)
What is CrowdSec
How CrowdSec works
Domains and Hashes vs IP Address and Behavior
How IPs are cleaned
Reporting based on "identity" not IP Address
CrowdSec Agent and CrowdSec Console
Open Source
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)
CrowdSec API
How does CrowdSec resolve IDS and IPS problems?
Blocking Unique Attacks
The 3 Tiers of Crowdsec
CrowdSec and GDPR
Using Crowdsec Bouncers (IPS)
CrowdSec Best Practices
Replay Mode
Integration into Firewalls
Best place to get started/learn CrowdSec Docs)
Noah has been playing with CrowdSec
Can also identify and block malicious out going traffic
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