This episode is focused on your feedback and your questions. Prebuilt NAS or custom built? What do you need for a vHost? Digital open source signage, and security camera recordings. We answer it all!
Steve's recommendations
GPU considerations
Creation/Destruction of VMs
Play, Document, Do it again
Used HDDs
We should put more money into open source
Steve's phone usage
Noah's phone usage
Apps & Privacy
Still Early Stages
Yes, bandwidth up gets saturated
Data center bandwidth does not
NVR in the data center
Bandwidth solutions
Store then up load
SD Card in the Camera + File server sync
Access Cameras support 2 video feeds
I go by court cases
Nothing bad about ProtonVPN
- BPFDoor
RISC-V Dual Core Chip
MS 3D Movie Maker Code Published
Kubernetes Sigstore
Meta's OPT
Wine 7.8
Arch Installer
Tails 5.0
GCC 12.1
Trinity DE 14.0.12
Add Text to Image PDFs via OCR
Marlin Bot
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