cover of episode 头号玩家x未老先聊:手把手教你搞定适用于失业浪潮的求职简历


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阿卫: 在求职过程中,许多中年求职者面临着竞争力不足的困境,他们的简历往往未能充分展现自身价值。本期节目将与罗叔一起探讨如何优化中年求职简历,提升求职竞争力,帮助中年求职者找到新的职业机会。 罗叔: 中年求职者在撰写简历时,应避免一些常见的误区,例如:求职意向填写过于宽泛,个人信息填写过多,工作履历描述过于简单,项目经历缺乏重点,职业技能描述过于笼统,个人优势与目标职位缺乏关联度,简历排版混乱,复合型人才简历信息冗余,文字措辞口语化等。 针对这些问题,我们提出以下优化建议: 1. 求职意向:不建议填写,以免降低求职成功率。 2. 个人信息:简洁明了,只需包含姓名、性别、年龄、居住地、手机号码和邮箱地址。 3. 工作履历:用量化数据体现工作价值,遵循“角色-行动-结果”的结构,突出个人“绝活”。 4. 项目经历:简洁精炼,突出核心贡献和价值,避免冗长且缺乏重点的描述。 5. 职业技能:突出其价值和成果,避免简单罗列技能名称,AI相关技能是重要的职业技能。 6. 个人优势:客观真实,并与目标职位相符,避免使用空洞的形容词,应以具体的案例和数据来支撑,最多不超过六条。 7. 目标职位关联度:个人优势与目标职位应高度相关,避免出现不相关的优势。 8. 简历排版:清晰简洁,重点突出,方便HR快速了解求职者的信息。 9. 复合型人才:可以准备多份简历,针对不同职位突出不同的技能和经验。 10. 文字措辞:避免口语化和随意化,应保持正式和专业的风格。 罗叔: 在求职简历的撰写中,需要注意以下几点: 首先,求职意向不建议填写,因为HR会根据职位需求进行筛选,填写求职意向反而可能限制你的选择。 其次,个人信息要简洁明了,避免不必要的个人信息,例如微信号、QQ号等。邮箱地址建议使用正式的邮箱,这体现了你的职业素养。 再次,工作履历的撰写要突出价值感,避免简单罗列职责,要使用量化数据来证明你的业绩。建议使用“角色-行动-结果”的结构来描述你的工作经历,并突出你的“绝活”,也就是你与众不同的地方。 项目经历的描述要简洁精炼,避免流水账式的描述,要突出你的核心贡献和价值。 职业技能的描述要与你的求职目标相符,并体现其价值和作用。AI相关技能是重要的加分项。 个人优势的描述要客观真实,并与目标职位相符,避免过于谦虚或夸张。要使用具体的案例和数据来支撑你的优势,并与目标职位紧密结合。 简历排版要清晰简洁,重点突出,方便HR快速了解你的信息。 复合型人才可以准备多份简历,针对不同职位突出不同的技能和经验。 最后,文字措辞要避免口语化和随意化,要保持正式和专业的风格,避免负面情绪或对前公司的抱怨。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is it important to avoid writing vague job intentions in a resume?

Vague job intentions can lead to misunderstandings and reduce the chances of being considered for a role. HR may misinterpret your intentions, and if the desired position is already filled, it could result in immediate disqualification. Specific job titles like 'Financial Manager' or 'Project Manager' are more effective.

What personal information is essential to include in a resume?

Essential personal information includes name, age, current location, phone number, and email address. Additional details like marital status, ethnicity, or political affiliation are unnecessary and can be omitted to maintain professionalism.

How should work experience be presented to stand out in a resume?

Work experience should highlight value and achievements rather than just listing responsibilities. Use quantifiable results, such as 'Managed a team of seven, reducing project costs by 18.5% through supplier negotiations.' This approach demonstrates impact and effectiveness.

What are the key elements to include in a project experience section of a resume?

Project experience should include the project's background, objectives, key actions taken, and measurable results. For example, 'Led a team to redesign the financial approval process, reducing approval steps by four and increasing efficiency by 200%.' This provides a clear picture of your contributions.

Why is it crucial to tailor personal strengths to the job being applied for?

Tailoring personal strengths to the job ensures relevance and increases the likelihood of being shortlisted. For instance, if applying for a Human Resources Director role, emphasize skills like 'building corporate culture' and 'organizing employee activities,' which align with the job's requirements.

What is the recommended number of personal strengths to list in a resume?

It is recommended to list three to four personal strengths, with a maximum of six. Overloading the resume with too many strengths can dilute focus and make it harder for employers to identify your core competencies.

How should resumes be formatted for maximum impact?

Resumes should be well-structured with clear headings, bullet points, and a logical flow. Avoid overly dense text or excessive length (ideally 1-3 pages). Proper formatting helps HR and hiring managers quickly identify key information and enhances readability.

Why is it important to avoid casual language in a resume?

Casual language can undermine professionalism and make the resume appear unpolished. For example, instead of writing 'The project was super tough,' use formal phrasing like 'Managed a high-pressure project, delivering results ahead of schedule.' This maintains a professional tone.

  • 中年危机是求职的挑战,但并非无法克服
  • 求职成功需要掌握方法和技巧
  • 简历是求职的关键,需要精心打磨

Shownotes Transcript

/Summary 继续串台阿未的《未老先聊》,跟大家聊聊怎么改简历。 当所有人告诉我中年危机是风口了,我突然就有点退缩了,老毛病了,我挺反感站在风口之上利用大家的焦虑搞流量的,即便我们这几期节目很好,也无法真的成为求职者的救命稻草,想到这些,觉得可能会辜负那么多的期望,有点emo了,直到一个听众对我说:“叔,再说点吧,听完了总觉得也想试试看。” 于是自洽了,不一定能帮你们找到工作,但是可以让你们多一点点找工作的勇气,我有这个动力。 试试看,为什么不呢。 /Show Note 04:05 简历中的那些加分小问题 08:11 简历中的个人信息如何填写才得体 12:17 如何撰写出引人注目的工作经历 16:20 如何突出实力与成就 24:34 如何突出你的数字化能力 28:40 如何客观准确地呈现自己的实力 32:46 如何在中年求职简历中展示个人优势 36:52 如何选择适合自己的职位优势 40:57 如何让你的简历一击中的 /Staff 主播 | 燃烧吧罗叔、阿未 制作 | 燃烧吧罗叔、阿未 文案 | 阿未 后期 | 阿未、FirePod莎莎 日程 | 腿哥 /BGM List Runing Feat 罗叔 /Contact 新浪微博:@燃烧吧罗叔 抖音:燃烧吧罗叔 公众号:头号玩家toGo 合作微信: luoyoucai