We chat to the man behind X-COM, Laser Squad and Chaos, the amazing Julian Gollop! Plus, is the Nintendo Switch interesting for retro gamers, and computers injuring people!
Phoenix Point website: http://www.phoenixpoint.info/)
Thanks to our amazing donators: pierecipecentral.com) - Titus Mieth, Christopher Ruppersburg, Keith Gunn, Christopher McGonagle Our website: http://theretrohour.com) Our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theretrohour/) Our Twitter: http://twitter.com/retrohouruk)
Show notes:
Nintendo Switch won't face supply shortages: http://bit.ly/2jgUriq) Portal for Apple II: http://bit.ly/2iTs8Cz) Super Retro Boy: http://bit.ly/2jI15OJ) Roller Coaster Tycoon classic for mobile: http://bit.ly/2jxvmNH) Hidden Figures movie: http://cnn.it/2iTsedp) Computer related injuries: http://bit.ly/2iTu4Lb)