We get the inside story on the rise and fall of Commodore and Amiga in the UK from former Managing Director, David Pleasance!
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Vote for us in The Podcast Awards PLEASE: https://t.co/l0Tdy2RAf4) A new HUGE replica of the 6502: http://monster6502.com/) Bedrooms To Billions: The Amiga Years is out now: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/amiga) Atari's secret VR experiments in the 80s: http://bit.ly/1qz50wH) Sega Training video from 1996:h ttp://bit.ly/1ToWPuQ Someone has taken over the Coleco Chameleon FB Page: http://imgur.com/a/wJ6gq) Chipmachine mod player: http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=67259) Alt VideoGame lounge: https://www.facebook.com/altgaminglounge/)