We catch up with legendary Al Lowe to get the inside story on Leisure Suit Larry, those age verification questions and how Police Quest was inspired by a real life police shooting.
Our website: http://theretrohour.com) Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theretrohour) Twitter: http://twitter.com/retrohouruk)
Al Lowe's website: http://www.allowe.com/)
Show notes:
Acorn Brand confusion: http://i.imgur.com/xdZH5g7.jpg) Last PS2 online servers closed down: http://bit.ly/1V6JX1K) Sony releasing a PS4K?: http://bit.ly/1V6JX1K) Man has same phone for 10 years: http://bit.ly/22zFnrO) Pacman suit: http://cnet.co/1SbHIo1) Nottingham board game cafe: http://bit.ly/1SbHKfH) Chrome Cast on CRT TV http://bit.ly/1V6K5ON) Coleco Chameleon Boss speaks out:http://bit.ly/1SjNTfg)