We chat to Kim Justice this week, talking arcade memories, writing for Retro Gamer and documenting British gaming history on Youtube.
Kim's Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/elmyrdehory) Retro Gamer Magazine: http://www.retrogamer.net/)
Thanks to our donators: Simon Pilgrim, Christopher Buckley, Nicholas Lees, Geoffrey Jones!
Our website: http://theretrohour.com) Our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theretrohour/) Our Twitter: http://twitter.com/retrohouruk)
Show notes:
Super Samurai Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mevdinc/super-samurai-remake-of-amiga-retro-classic-first) Dreamcast online via Raspberry Pi: http://blog.kazade.co.uk/p/dreampi.html) New Sega Megadrive announced: http://bit.ly/2f9cXUQ) 6 ways games were better in the good old days: http://bit.ly/2cppxSX) The Darkness of Raven Wood BBC Micro Text Adventure: http://bit.ly/2em2fst) SNES Rayman prototype revealed: http://bit.ly/2e967lu) Wii U goes out of production this week: http://bit.ly/2ejmCKp) FriendUP RC1: https://friendup.cloud/)