We chat DOS gaming, system collecting, doing Youtube for a living and lots more with Clint Basinger from Lazy Game Reviews!
Lazy Game Reviews on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/phreakindee)
Our website: http://theretrohour.com) Our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theretrohour/) Our Twitter: http://twitter.com/retrohouruk)
Show notes:
New Chaos Engine inspired shooter coming: http://bit.ly/2bGscGi) Memories of a Retro Gamer book: http://bit.ly/2bxWE2d) Airlines with Decades old computer system crashes: http://bit.ly/2b9l9Uv) Onion Omega2: http://bit.ly/2bjEyVN) Simon Pegg in Ready player one filmed in Brimingham: http://bit.ly/2bjEyVN) Virtua fighter comeback?: http://bit.ly/2b39QRu) New Atari flashback 7: http://bit.ly/2b3Pkty) Modern game logos are rubbish: http://bit.ly/2b3Pkty)