On the weekend of PLAY Expo Blackpool, we're joined by the man behind the UK's biggest retro gaming events and retailer Console Passion, Andy Brown!
Play EXPO Blackpool website: https://www.playexpoblackpool.com/)
Thanks to our amazing donators this week: Steve Ruston, Andrew S Baster, Henrik Andersson, Nigel Clark.
Our website: http://theretrohour.com) Our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theretrohour/) Our Twitter: http://twitter.com/retrohouruk)
Show notes:
Augmented reality Super Mario Bros: https://youtu.be/QN95nNDtxjo) Crash magazine revival Kickstarter: http://bit.ly/2taifKp) Too many games?: https://youtu.be/7YjZNFS8qeo) eBay pulling down SNES mini listings: http://bit.ly/2uqPMR5) New SNES mouse available: http://bit.ly/2tT8767)