We talk Atari ST VS Amiga gaming, Vampire games and coding for classic systems with Dimitris Giannakis aka Modern Vintage Gamer!
Modern Vintage Gamer on Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjFaPUcJU1vwk193mnW_w1w)
Thanks to our amazing donators this week: Andreas Sauer, Henrik Pdersen, Simon Wolf, Peter Elsey
Our website: http://theretrohour.com) Our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theretrohour/) Our Twitter: http://twitter.com/retrohouruk)
PLAY Expo Blackpool tickets: https://www.playexpoblackpool.com/)
Show notes:
Atari Box Pre orders delay: http://cnet.co/2CY6nNs) Vinyl too popluar: http://bit.ly/2nOjMUx) Guy counts every mario coin ever: http://bit.ly/2F2kNgc) Zaaap c64 2019 annual: http://www.indieretronews.com/2017/12/zzaps-back-zzap-64-annual-2019-announced.html)