We're joined by the amazing Aleks Krotoski to get the inside story on Bits and Thumb Bandits!
Aleks' Website: http://alekskrotoski.com/)
Thanks to our amazing donators: Eric Nelson, Tobias Seiler, Colin Walker, Melissa Faye Our website: http://theretrohour.com) Our Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/theretrohour/) Our Twitter: http://twitter.com/retrohouruk)
Show notes:
New Console RetroBlox: http://bit.ly/2lsh1pU) Anti-piracy wheels online now: http://www.oldgames.sk/docs/codewheel/) Total recall spectrum found: http://bit.ly/2kABTcW) RPI Foundation helping teachers: http://bit.ly/2kAHH5T) Open source Amiga accelerator: https://youtu.be/_b66O2F3-yg)