Have you noticed yourself being forgetful, confused, anxious, inflamed or tired all the time? You've tried everything - diet, exercise, sleep, hypnosis, magic pills, and wizardry but nothing works. During his undergraduate studies, Jacob Gordon experienced just that as he was suffering from chronic brain fog and exhaustion The reason for his suffering was a condition called chronic inflammatory response syndrome caused by exposure to mold growing in his living quarters
After years of torment and not seeing any results from the best doctors in the world, he decided to take his health into his own hands Jacob delved into the world of epigenetics and Psycho-Neuro-Immunology (that's a mouthful), and he fixed his gut dysbiosis, lowered his chronically high histamine levels, overcame insomnia, corrected his faulty dopamine pathways and transformed his previous “unmotivated/lazy” self into a highly motivated and persuasive individual. That's the topic of today's Body Mind Empowerment Podcast. I'm Siim Land and our guest is Jacob Gordon from MyBiohack.com His brain literally shrunk from exposure to the mold and inflammation yet today he's running a website about cutting-edge biohacking and functional health Topics discussed:
Here are the links to the podcast on all platforms Link to the Audio Podcast on iTunes and Stitcher Download mp3 Watch the podcast on YouTube
Click Here to Watch the Conversation on Video! Show Notes Jacob's blog MyBiohack Jacob's YouTube channel Keto // IF Program Coaching P.S. The OURA ring is having a pre-sale with a -$75 discount. You can get the new OURA ring 2.0 at a huge bargain There I only have 10 codes leftUse this CODE at ouraring.com TNELDDPXRDJ Stay Empowered Siim #health #biohacking #wellness