In this week’s episode of The Discourse), host Mike DeAngelo grows out his handlebar mustache and puts on a southern accent to discuss “Blood for Dust” with star **Kit Harington **(“Game of Thrones,” “Eternals”). The movie follows a struggling salesman with a troubled criminal past who is pulled back into a string of crimes by a former colleague, leading to a trail of blood...and dust. The film is written and directed by Rod Blackhurst (“Amanda Knox” “Night Swim”) and also stars Scoot McNairy, Josh Lucas, Nora Zehetner, **Ethan Suplee, Stephen Dorff, **and more.
Harington also talked about many of his other film and TV projects, including working on "Game of Thrones" and the "Jon Snow" spin-off that's no longer happening, plus his experience on **Marvel'**s "Eternals" and whether or not we'll see him return as the character The Black Knight.
Listen on for more.
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